
Saturday 22 September 2012

Why do perform Hajj and Umrah?

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Every Muslim is obliged to hajj. Hajj is the largest pilgrimages in the world know as. The journey of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the 7th century from the time immemorial is base on very old. Allah says in the Quran 'Our Lord! And you submissive and submissive to your country for our children, and we express our Manasik (all the ceremonies of pilgrimage - Hajj and 'Umrah, etc.), and accept our repentance. In fact, the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful is "(Quran: 2/128).
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, He said that a clear need, a tyrannical ruler, or a disease which confines him at home performing the Hajj and Umrah is not prevented from, and without performing Hajj and Umrah dies; he dies as a cahyyhudy, or "as if he wants a Christian. (Tirmidhi: 2535, is narrated by Abu Umamah) (Darimi This Cc)
In the days of Hajj, people from around the world are gathered in one place and the entire Lord's people are to attend court. In which no one is pushed caste color and creed. O our Lord, that we may do all guahy are ready to face the arrows forgive us and accept our own homecoming.
Indeed! Safa and Marwah as (two mountains in Makkah) are among the Signs of Allah. Is it a sin if he or Umrah Hajj (Pilgrimage) House (in Makkah Kabah) between them by going (Tawaf) (Safa and Marwah) is not performing to perform? And who volunteered well, and then of course all the Recognizer, All-Knower is. (Quran: 2/158)
Properly (ie Prophet Mohammad (saw) all the way around), Hajj and Umrah for Allah (ie Pilgrimage to Mecca) perform. (Quran: 2/196)
Abu Hurairah described in: "I heard the Prophet peace be upon him, who said he and a Rafath (sex) or Fusooq (cross), he returns (free from sin) as the day As a mother of her promise ". (Bukhari)

Introduction of Funicular to make Hajj and Umrah Obstacles free

Umm Al-Qura University’s Research Center of Excellence for Hajj and Umrah, comes up with a new idea to bridge the three most important places; Kiblah, Mina, and Arafat. The context of this idea is the utilization of latest technology of Funicular (Cable Cars) to avoid hazard and obstruction come during the performance of the most sought after religious duties of Hajj and Umrah.
The Director of Center, Adnan Gutub, in his presentation to the Chairman for Hajj commette, Khaled Al-Faisal, briefed that six routes will be abridged to facilitate the pilgrims as Khudai, Rusaifa, and Taneem.
This research is made to fulfill the need for public transportation in Saudi Arabia to control the traffic problem arises during hajj and Umrah days. This sane decision is made by Khaled Al Faisal to incorporate the latest technology to transport the pilgrims from one place to another without any serious problem. All this research is practical are started to serve the pilgrims and visitors to travel from Kiblah to holy mountains of Thawr and Nour. The project is expected to be started soon.
It is especially mentioned that this project is a supporting plan in addition to the existing pilgrims transporting system.

Importance of Vaccination for pilgrims

This year (2013), the issue of vaccination certificate is discussed in the seminar conducted by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Memorial Society. People obtain fake vaccination certificate from doctors to meet the requirement of hajj form. It is condemned strictly that vaccination is not a minor issue. It is imposed to save the people from contagious diseases. In case of submitting fake document the real purpose of vaccination spoil. This is not only illegal but also morally offense. This is obvious violation of Shariah, Dr. Saeed Ilahi, said the president of Seminar. He said that we have increased the health budget so that Hajjis should not face any difficulty in vaccination process. They could be able to present authentic vaccination document and will contribute their effort in saving other people from diseases. He added that meningitis is the disease that is creating problem among hajjis from last few years. To prevent any medical problem Saudi government has imposed this restriction that nobody will be able to enter into the premises of Kiblah and Ziyaraat. To emphasize on the importance of vaccination document Badshahi mosque Khteeb Maulana Al-Khair Azad, Dr. Alama Hussain Akbar, Hafiz Abdul Wahab Ropri address to the seminar and focus on the significance of health precautions. It is concluded in the seminar that related literature will be spread in mosques to make it known to the people intending for Umrah and Hajj this year.

Friday 21 September 2012

Special Guide To Hajj And Umrah

The Prophet (SAW) declared “Take from me the rites of Hajj.” [Bayhaqee] We have endeavoured to publish some salient facts on the Hajjand Umrah according to the Sunnah. The recommended mode of Hajj for pilgrims from abroad is the Hajj at-Tamattu method.
 [Saheeh Muslim Vol.2, p.612, no.2803]

In other place Allah say in your Noble book Holy Quran that "And perform property (i.e. all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muhammad), The Hajj and Umrah (i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allaah.
[Al Qur'ân 2:196]


You will wear your Ihraam before you commence your air journey. Then the Neeyah (intention) for Umrah must be made as soon as you reach the Meeqaat. The Airline captain will tell you when you reach the Meeqaat. The Neeyah is that LabbaikAllaahumma bi Umrah
 (O Allah! Here I am responding to you in performing the Umrah.) On arrival at Makkah you will perform the rites of Umrah, shorten your hair and come out of the state of Ihraam. [Saheeh Muslim vol.2, p.612, no.2803] 

On the 8th of Dhul Hijjah (also known as Yaum at-Tarwiyah) you will wear the Ihraam (at your residence in Makkah) after you take a bath and then pronounce the Neeyah.
Labbaik Allaahumma bi Hajj (O Allaah! Here I am responding to You in performing the Hajj.) [Saheeh Muslim vol.2, p.612, no.2803] After pronouncing the neeyah, you will leave for Minaa saying the Talbeeyah aloud.

Labbaik Allaahumma labbaik, labbaik  laa shareeka laka labbaik innal hamda wan-ni'mata laka wal mulk laa shareeka lak (Here am I, O Allaah, Here am I. There is no associate with You. Here am I. Surely all praise and graces are Yours, and so is the dominion! There is no associate with You.) [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree vol.2, p.361, no.621] 

Important Note:

.   If your Tawaaf is interrupted due to congregational prayers, resume from the Black Stone disregarding the incomplete round.
2.   Shorten your hair after Umrah but shave your head on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. This is more meritorious than shortening as the Prophet  said: “O Allaah have mercy on those who shave their heads”, the people said ‘And those who shorten their hair O Rasoolullaah? He  said: “O Allaah have mercy on those who shave their heads”, the people said ‘And those who shorten their hair O Rasoolullaah? He added on the fourth time: “And those who shorten their hair.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree vol.2, p.455, no.785]

3.   On the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, once the stoning is complete, all restrictions except sexual intercourse are lifted and you may change out of your ihraam garments and wear perfume. But you must complete your Tawaaf al-Ifaada before maghrib on the same day. If you are unable to do so, then you must resume your ihraam and perform the tawaaf al-Ifaada after which you may come out of ihraam. [Sunan Abu Dawood vol.2, p.530, no.1994]

Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer. (There is no true god except Allaah alone, who is without partner. His is the kingdom, all praise is due to Him and He is able to do all things.) So repeat this as much as you can.

How to book Cheap Hajj and Umrah Packages

If you are a Muslim then most probably, you will know that performing Hajj and Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory on each and every Muslim man and woman who has the resources to bear the expenses to travel to sacred places of Makkah and Madinah. If you are planning to perform the obligation of Hajj and Umrah in 2013 then there are some points which are needed to be considered and a proper guideline for such a holy journey would be a lot beneficial during the performance of such an obligation. Here are some necessary points for such a journey which are as follows
First of all, it is strongly preferred to not book all things of Hajj or Umrah separately as it will make your journey a bit complex, therefore, book a complete Hajj package or Umrah package 2013 to make your journey easier and more convenient.
Secondly, there is different Hajj and Umrah packages 2013 offered by different hajj and Umrah travel agencies. These Umrah packages 2013 very from luxurious and Cheaply  Umrah packages offering stay at luxury hotels to economic Umrah packages offering only necessary facilities for performing your hajj and Umrah. Therefore, choose precisely that what type of Umrah packages 2013 you want based on your budgets and needs.
One more important thing to consider while choosing an Umrah package 2013 is to check out that the place where you are going to stay is how much close to Haram so that how much distance you will have to cover to reach Haram daily for offering prayers. Hotels which are closer to Haram usually have more prices than ones which are relatively away from Haram.
Another important factor to consider is to check the reputation of your Umrah packages provider. There are lots of fraudulent Umrah travel agencies which promise a lot of facilities in the beginning but when someone books Umrah packages from them then such companies do not provide the promised facilities and consequently pilgrims have to suffer during their hajj and Umrah. It is always better to book an Umrah package through a friend or relative who has already performed Hajj and Umrah through a Hajj and Umrah packages 2013 Provider Company so that you can take services of a trusted Hajj and Umrah services company. Another way to check the reputation of a company is to check through online reviews and testimonials to avoid any fraudulent company.
Booking your Hajj and Umrah packages from a registered company is always better because Saudi Government provides license only to authentic and trusted Hajj and Umrah travel companies. This may be a bit costly but it will help you to get the best out of your sacred journey. Recently, Saudi Government has banned lots of companies for issuing Hajj and Umrah packages 2012 who could not meet the standards set by Saudi Government.