
Monday 22 October 2012

The Importance of Hajj and Umrah in the light of Quran and Hadith

Hajj is the basic pillar of Islam. Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman. The Hajj free from all sins of mankind are caused by the mother have to birth child. There are many problems during Hajj which have to loss.
 The Holy Prophet (SAW) said with your daughter Hazrat Ayesha (RA) that Ayesha you will reward you according to your triangle.”

“Hazrat Abdullah bin Abass (RA) was narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said the performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj, or is also said (SAW) that Hajj is equal who is performing with me.”

The Mushrikeen Mecca were shirk, But he did perform Hajj. Christians and Jews believe in God. They belief the day of Judgment. Hazrat Ali (RA) was narrated that The Holy Prophet (SAW) said The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, He said that a clear need, a tyrannical ruler, or a disease which confines him at home performing the Hajj and Umrah is not prevented from, and without performing Hajj and Umrah dies; he dies as a want Jews, or "as if he wants a Christian. (Tirmidhi)

Allah say in Quran about these person who is not perform Hajj and Umrah. “In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.” (Surat 'Āli `Imrān)

Hazraat Abdullah Abn-e- Masood (RA) was narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said that you perform Hajj and Umrah again and again because poverty or poorness does not come close from the Muslim who perform Hajj and Umrah also purifies from the sins.  The Hajj and Umrah purifies the Muslim as a gold smith purifies the gold from iron and sliver. And The Hajj-e-Mabro reward is only Jannat. (Tirmidhi)

Allah says in your Noble book that (then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House). (Surat Al-Hajj 29)

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) say that which a person circumambulate the House of Allah and do perform two rakaat of prayer. Would he take reward is equal to salve free. (Ibn-e- Majah 29 -56)
Indeed! Safa and Marwah as (two mountains in Makkah) are among the Signs of Allah. Is it a sin if he or Umrah Hajj (Pilgrimage) House (in Mecca Kabah) between them by going (Tawaf) (Safa and Marwah) is not performing to perform? And who volunteered well, and then of course all the Recognizer, All-Knower is. (Quran: 2/158)
Properly (ie Prophet Mohammad (saw) all the way around), Hajj and Umrah for Allah (ie Pilgrimage to Mecca) perform. (Quran: 2/196)

Tuesday 16 October 2012

The statement of intention before traveling Hajj

Three kinds of Hajj and Umrah can be performing with Hajj in Hajj travel. So when do you wear Ihram form house, and then will your intention? The Umrah? The Hajj? And in which kind of Hajj?

Three kinds of Hajj


The Hajj person put on Ihram with the intention only for Hajj in Hajj-e-Arfaad and take off Ihram perform Hajj.

The people put on Ihram with the intention Umrah and Hajj in Hajj-e-Qiraan and take off Ihram after performing Umrah and Hajj.

The people put on Ihram with the intention first performUmrah and take off Ihram after performing Umrah. Then 8th  Zul hajj put on Ihram with the intention of Hajj and take off Ihram after performing Hajj.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Members of Umrah and Hajj

Members of Umrah and Hajj

There are two functions and two duties of Umrah. Who will meet them then his Umrah will be complete. Similarly three obligatory, six functions and ten Instinct of Hajj. Which will also meet then his Hajj will be complete.

The duties of Umrah
The put on Ihram by Mekaat, The Intention to and read Tlbyh.
To circumambulate the Kaaba and Must offers pray two Rakaat after Tawaaf.

The Function of Umrah
To the contribution among in Safa and Marwah.
Shaving hair.

The duties of Hajj
The put on Ihram to intentions at heart for Hajj and read Tlbyh.
Pause at the nine Zulhajj Arafat since the fall early morning until ten zulhajj stay in Arafat at any time. Though even for a moment. “The Holy Prophet (SAW) says that Hajj is the name of stay in Arafat.” (Jamya Tarmzi)
The Tawaaf can be visit during 10th Zul- Hajj from morning till evening 12th Zul-Hajj.

The Function of Hajj
The sun set until stay in Arafat.
The pause until stay in Muzdalifah.
The contribution to among Safa and Marwah.
To sacrifice
Shaving hair
The three night stay in Mina.
These are functions and duties of Umrah and Hajj. Which they tell me that how can I perform Hajj and Umrah. 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Describe of Tawaf

Allah says in your Noble book that (then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House). (Surat Al-Hajj 29)

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) say that which a person Tawaf the House of Allah and do perform two rakaat of prayer. Would he take reward is equal to salve free. (Ibn-e- Majah 29 -56)

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) say that who a person Tawaf the House of Allah in 7 time, Then Allah will forgive his sins in a each step and write virtue in a each step, and high level in a each step. (Abne-Karima, Abne Habaan)

Hardhat Imam Gazali ( Rehmatullah Alye) is Narrated have to copy from Abn-e- Umer (R.A) that The Holy Prophet (SAW) said you do Tawaf of Khana Kabba more and more because he is very great and respectable thing. Which will you find in Judgment of the day in your review act. You will not able to find a good think about his equal.

The other place the Holy Prophet (SAW) said that the house of Allah Tawaf is like to prayer. However you can talk during Tawaf. The talk must be good with her.
(Jam ya tarmzi Book of Hajj Hadith no is 96)

Like a prayer is also some condition in Tawaf
The ablution is must for Tawaf
The cloth should be clean and cover your Navel.
You do intention first from Black stone (Hijra as wad) before Tawaf. You stand in the front of Black stone (Hijra As wad) say Takbeer and touch it before start.
At the end of each round to say Takbeer that to touch the Black stone (Hijra As wad)
Prayers Peace is a turn off. During prayer at the end of two full track during reading. Interval between two cycles is not.
While Tawaf eyes instead of walking.
While Tawaf the looking of Kaaba is gross. Touch the Kaaba while there are nothing wrong if the put your eyes.

If you do Tawaf prayer for the congregation was standing and holding Tawaf read prayers in congregation, and left the circle you do complete after prayer. The pillar of Yemeni and black stone the between seventy thousand angels to pray for those who are doing Tawaf says Amin.
The Tawaf of reward can be deliver to any person who were die and those who are alive and those away from Mecca them. The disabilities can to seat ride to do Tawaf.
Just Tawaf is valid to Cross in the front of worshipers. Besides Mecca, Medina and any where is not permitted cross in the front of worshipers.

Monday 8 October 2012

Women's wear of Ihram.

  The Ihram of Women can wear everyday clothes. But you take care this think cloth is not thin. While the other person attention with you. The dresses should be very simple and clean. The women must be you’re your face in condition of Ihram. The rule state is screen remain view in the condition of Ihram.
 If someone is coming in the front of you, then you can be covering your face with cloth. The cloth if touch in your face so there is not harm. Shortening (hair cut) the contribution of after offering Umrah and Hajj women can cut your hair is equal to your finger knuckles (the one Inch) of the head. She can cut hair in your hand.
Prohibition in the state of Ihram.
The women read Tlbyh Umrah and Hajj in both slowly that your voice can not reach non mehram men. The women do not comb in condition of Ihram. Intentionally if you lost any hair so you take reward.

The oil can be taken in your body and hair with out fragment. If it was not for fear of breaking ball is better. The Kohl is gross in the condition of Ihram. The put henna or dye hair is gross in the condition of Ihram.

Women can wear jewelry in a state of Ihram. But jewelry so that you get the attention of others. Women can not travel to Hajj with out mehram, whether they are rich. If women rich and company of mehram so she take with out permission of husband can perform first Hajj, while that Hajj is compulsory. 

The Hazarat Ayesha (R.A) is reported that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) that I say we under stand that Jihad is the best process. Do we not do Jihad? The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) say Jihad is the best process, the best Jihad Hajj-e- Mabro for you. (Buhkari)

Monday 1 October 2012

Describe of Ihram.

Ihram is the uniform Hajj and Umrah. The Ihram of Hajj can be put up from 1st of Shawal and into 9 Zul Hajj the spend of early morning. The Ihram of Umrah can be put up instead of special five days of Hajj.  Ihram must be put up wear the heart. Male on behalf of cloth 2 meters 10 Inches. Ihram color sheet is very good if you are white, then distress can use colored sheet. Ihram is worn after as many bound be charged like as worst abuses word. Immoral actions of other words.
The Restriction of Ihram.
We can not cut hair after wearing Ihram and no can break hair.
Do not cut nails.
Male does not cover head.
You can use umbrella over his head.Luggage can be move on his head one place to an other place.
Your body cloth and aroma of food items should not be use.
No kill any animal in land.
You can take bath but you can’t use soap.
In condition of Ihram (claw back) remain open for Help towards rent of bones emerged is defined.
You can’t sexual relation ship with your wife in condition of Ihram.
No special cloth for women.
The women can be open you face and hand with out gloves in condition of Ihram.
Instinct of Ihram.
Ihram wearing washing before and perfumes.
Rid on top of an apron and a pilgrimages.
Nails cut before wear Ihram.
After the prayer pilgrimage.
Beginning of Ihram and then repeatedly answered the call to be answered