
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Do you love travelling?

I’m making an assumption that at want point in your life you’ve been a tourist. You’ve carried a map, a camera, maybe even had a tour guide. You’ve traveled to different destinations, relaxed on remote beaches, climbed stairs in buildings you see on television. You’ve done all of these things but somehow when you get arrive home, all your left with is a short memory, and a few photographs.
Vacations are nice every once in a while, but it doesn’t make sense to me why we will travel thousands of miles to sit in hotel rooms and watch movies, or lie on a pool deck and catch some rays. These are all things that we can do where we are from; I want you to think about being a traveler not a tourist. You want to soak in as much of the new country and culture that you can rather than bring as much of your culture to them. It’s really quite simple. In one step you need to forget about your way of live, and adopt theirs. This paragraph is sponsored by travel to Umrah from UK.
It’s simple things like the mindset that we have when we go abroad, and what we bring. Don’t bring all of the things that we depend on in America. Bring what it is that you are going to need to survive and stay healthy during your visit. The more comforts you have, the more you will depend on them, and the less you will step out to become the traveler you ought to be!
Put yourself out there. Locals are always interested to interact with foreigners, and it’s best to take advantage of this. Meet people that you can share life with while you are in their country. Immerse into their culture and be open to new ideas. A lot of times we are closed to new ideas and we miss out on opportunities for better things to come along. Be open, willing and accepting. This paragraph is sponsored by air Umrah travel from UK.
If you want to be changed, and to experience you need to leave the tourist at home. Bring out the inner traveler in you and see the world in the way that it was meant to be seen.

Friday 14 June 2013

American Standards and European Culture: How to Avoid a Disappointing Vacation Experience in Europe

Many European vacationers plan their activities and accommodations with the assumption that everything else will be "like America." If so, think again! Europeans and Americans have different ideas about manners, time, personal space, personal property maintenance, and language. Here are a few "cross cultural conflict" areas that Americans traveling in Europe often encounter.
Planning a vacation to Europe? No doubt you have certain expectations about your upcoming journey.
Perhaps you're the kind of person who expects to spend your days admiring amazing architecture and prowling world-famous museums for masterpieces. Or maybe you're going to Europe to meet interesting people, relax on the beach until the sun goes down, and dance the night away in a local club. Regardless of your European vacation priorities, you certainly expect it to be wonderful!
But stop a moment. Have you thought about your cultural expectations?
Many European vacationers plan their activities and accommodations with the assumption that everything else will be "like America." If so, think again! Just as Europe and the US are different in landscape, weather, and history, they are also very different culturally. Europeans and Americans have different ideas about manners, time, personal space, personal property maintenance, and language.
So for anyone planning a vacation to Europe, here are a few "cross cultural conflict" areas that Americans traveling in Europe often encounter. Making yourself aware of these differences can help you have a fun, enjoyable, and even educational European vacation that is free of cultural misunderstandings. This paragraph is sponsored by Umrah services from London.
Take a glance at a map of the world. Which is smaller: the US or Europe? That's right-- Europe. But there are still a lot of people there, which means they've gotten used to smaller spaces!
American standards of living are very high. We're used to king size beds and bathrooms that can accommodate several people at a time.
But unless you're staying in a massive French chateau or Italian villa, be prepared for spaces to be smaller than you're used to. Bedrooms and bathrooms will be more compact, as will bed sizes. Single and double beds alike will be narrower. Kitchens won't be able to accommodate your entire family!
So consider this an opportunity to get closer to your traveling companions. Think of sharing a bathroom in Italy as an exercise in cooperation. Get cozy with your spouse in that French double bed. Be willing to laugh as you adjust. Get creative and have fun. This paragraph is sponsored by airline Hajj ticket from UK.
A common misperception of Europeans is that they are "rude." Of course, they think the same thing about us!
Remember when you're traveling in Europe that rudeness is largely a cultural perception. Someone who seems blunt and nosey may be expressing friendship and concern for your well-being. A waiter who tells you what to order may be trying to help, since you are unfamiliar with the language. Differences in "personal space" mean that someone who cuts in front of you may not even understand that you were in line. This paragraph is sponsored by ticket to Umrah from UK.
Also, subjects which are taboo in your community may be freely discussed elsewhere, and vice versa. In the US, we consider it incredibly rude to comment on a person's weight. This isn't true everywhere in the world!
So, when traveling in Europe, keep a firm grip on your temper. A good way to achieve this is to give everyone else the benefit of the doubt. Just make the choice not to get angry. If you can roll with the punches, you'll enjoy your vacation more-- and you'll be a better traveling companion.
I have to admit that I get impatient if I have to wait longer than fifteen minutes at a restaurant in the US. After the food comes, I can be out the door in half an hour!
In Italy, however, a dinner filled with conversation, laughter, and great food can last two hours! I smile when I hear other Americans asking why the food hasn't arrived yet. Unbeknownst to them, the waiters are offering them the opportunity to savor the meal.
Likewise, shops and businesses in Spain close for an afternoon siesta. In the UK, the handyman may want to chat with you before repairing that pipe. This paragraph is sponsored by airline Umrah ticket from London.
Most Europeans do not share the American compulsion to "save time" by doing everything quickly. So when you vacation in Europe, leave your watch behind. After all, this is a vacation.
I often hear complaints, especially from those who rent a villa or apartment, about the quality of the furnishings and amenities in Europe. I'd be a millionaire if I had a dime for every time I heard someone say "The furniture was old!" or "The bathroom pipes need to be replaced."
In today's society, we expect things to look like new, feel like new, and behave like new. If it doesn't, we throw it away.
But think of anyone who grew up during the depression. My grandfather kept rows of old coffee cans filled with spare nails and bits of wire. He sat in the same chair every night until he died. Nothing was wasted, and nothing was thrown away if it could be fixed.
So if the furniture looks a little worn, or if the sink clogs, think before you complain. Is the quality due to neglect and disrepair, or is it the result of a careful, conscientious effort not to put anything to waste?
Treat this as an educational experience; you might even learn from a more conservative lifestyle.
As an American, I am often jealous of Europeans who pick up languages like you'd pick up a bottle of milk at the store. For me, it's an uphill battle all the way!
Since learning three or four languages is neither a cultural necessity nor a scholastic requirement in our country, many Americans feel like me. And yet some Americans still assume that everyone in Europe should speak English. This paragraph is sponsored by travel advice for Hajj from UK.
In the same way that you or I would resent a French tourist who expected everyone in the US to speak French, Europeans are often annoyed by Americans who have this mentality.
While you probably can't learn a new language before your vacation, you can learn some helpful phrases. This is considered courteous, and is guaranteed to get more friendly responses. When you try to use their language, Italians or French who might have feigned ignorance will usually help you with your pronunciation and then converse with you in English.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

How to do travel planning?

If you are really tight on the budget, booking an all-inclusive holiday package can save you a big chunk of money. Because these all-inclusive package holiday companies have close ties with hotels & popular tourist spots in the country, they can get a better rate than you can! Hence, normally, the discounts & savings will be passed on to you - the all-inclusive holiday customers, tourists & visitors. Travel planning is sponsored by visit to Umrah from UK.
 Ever tried to cram all your travel plans into one small budget & short schedule? If you have, you will know the true meaning of a frugal & haphazard holiday. Some people think that all-inclusive holiday packages leave very little space for them to have fun & there is no flexibility. But they're wrong.
You can save money with an all-inclusive holiday package.

All-inclusive vacations are hassle-free
Planning a holiday can give you headaches! When you book an all-inclusive holiday package, you are actually giving yourself the chance to enjoy the holiday without having to worry about the nitty-gritty details. Your accommodation, food, entertainment & traveling are all taken care of. The only thing that you & your relative’s members have to worry about is how much fun you are going to have during the holiday. Some tourists & vacationers like to get an all-inclusive holiday package because there is lack of time. Some people have to contend with last minute plans. The all-inclusive holiday packages can be real life savers in this instance. Even honeymooners love all-inclusive packages because they don't require having to worry about meals, entertainment, activities, transportation & accommodation when they should be focused on each other. This paragraph is sponsored by airline Hajj ticket from UK

 Mealtime fun with all-inclusive holiday packages
  One of the most worrisome things for tourists is WHERE to eat. Because they're not familiar with the country & the booklets that they can get from airports are not very accurate (most of the time), meal times are worrying. When we are visiting another country, they require trying another delicacy, something old. And cheap. Who better to tell you where to find it than an all-inclusive holiday planner? They have all the ropes, hang on to them & enjoy the meal!
 You can read all you require from the web or from books on the different cultures & religions in the country that you are visiting. And yet, whenever you are on an all-inclusive holiday package, the tourist guide will STILL tell you things that surprises you! & this is an important point because you don't really require stepping on someone's toes when you are in THEIR country. This paragraph is sponsored by holy journey from UK.
 All-inclusive packages - tells you the cultural differences between races & religions
Besides all of that, with all-inclusive holiday packages, you don't have to worry about where to have fun because they plan everything for you. All-inclusive holiday packages are definitely worth it!

Friday 7 June 2013

Must -see Airplane Seat Maps

Choosing the right place in an airplane before going aboard is very important for everyone. As many people have different requests and demands from their airlines consulting a seat map can bring much more benefits for fliers and help them improve their flight.
 Many people that fly for pleasure or for business purposes have to seat in an airplane for 2-3 hours or sometimes even more, depending on the trip that they make, and during the flight seating in an uncomfortable place in the airplane can be a really pain for them. This is happening very often due the lack of details that each airline is publishing about their airplanes or because people that fly don’t consult an aircraft seat map before they book a ticket. Airline seat maps are sponsored by Umrah 2013 tour from UK.
 Airplane seat maps can be really handy for frequent or even for occasionally fliers and help them to choose their seat in the airplane even before they buy their tickets. Knowing the place where you seat before going aboard is very good because on almost all seating charts you can find all the details of a specific seat from extra legroom to missing windows or any other details.
 Seat maps published by airlines
 Most of the airlines publish the seats configurations for their airplanes but the quality of those seat maps is some times questionable and some of the details and information about seats are confusable. Usually airlines don’t publish seat maps for all of their airplanes; they do it only for the major airplanes and for the ones flying on frequent routes.
 Seat maps published by specialized websites
 In additions to those published seat maps which can be found on airlines websites there are some other sites that publish aircraft seat maps for almost all the commercial airplanes that are flying these days. Seat maps that can be found on these sites usually have more details and on some websites you can found comments from other passengers with ups and downs about each particular airplane seat. This paragraph is sponsored by Umrah guide tour from UK.
 Reading and understanding a seat map it’s a very simple job but people should be carefully on the design of each seat map because is different from website to website or from airplane to airplane, so reading the legend will help understanding the seat arrangements and the meaning of each symbol from the seat map, in this way mistakes can be avoided and passengers can make the best decision for their flight.
 Choosing your seat is important as choosing an airline or an airplane to fly with, some people prefer to fly only if they seat is near a window or some people like to fly in their own cabin and the requests and conditions of each passenger could go on. Consulting a seat map before going aboard can bring only benefits and can show to the passengers more details about the airplane comparing with the  details and information about each airplane or flight that airlines are publishing. This paragraph is sponsored by Hajj services from UK.
 The bottom line is that airplane seat maps which can be found very easy on the web can help people choosing the best seat that will satisfy the all demands for them. Finding the right seat with the help of aircraft seat maps can improve very much the flight conditions and things can be better when fliers read other people’s reviews of seats and airplanes because bad seats or bad flights can be avoided.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Adventure Travel: The Most exciting "Must Do" Trips

Ever since the man could walk, he traveled. At first, we traveled to escape harsh climate and find food, but as we evolved, we started traveling for fun. Thus appeared travel destinations and travel guides. As time passed, more and more people started traveling to various locations, for the landscape, traditions and thrills.
Here are a few travel locations that are sure to give you your thrills and kicks, somewhat like a top five, I guess, but don’t trust me - go check them out yourself out. Adventure travel is sponsored by Umrah tour from UK.
 1. Himalaya

By far the greatest mountain range in the world, the Himalaya have captured the imagination of philosophers, mystics, mountaineers and empire builders from the earliest ancestors of contemporary Hindus and Buddhists to the present day. Mount Kailash, home of the greatest of the gods, and Meru, centre of the Hindu and Buddhist universe, rise from their surrounding ridges of the central Himalaya. From the high slopes to the foothills, people have carved out an often-meager existence in the harshest of environments with determination, subtlety and imagination enriched by powerful cultural identities. Tribal peoples living often at high altitudes have made their living from their tough environment through trade over the highest passes in the world, while farmers have developed agriculture on the man-made terraces of the warmer, lower-lying valleys and hills of the southern ranges. Although the mountain environment gives a common character to the whole region, each hamlet has its own identity. The villages of the arid high-altitude plateau of Ladakh could scarcely be more different from the homesteads of the monsoon forests of Arunachal Pradesh. This paragraph is sponsored by airline Umrah travel 2013 from UK.
 2. Kilimanjaro Climb

Just three degrees south of the Equator is the 5,895m (19,340ft) high, permanently snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain. It offers one of the best opportunities in the world to climb a peak at high altitude without needing technical climbing ability. Any normally fit, healthy person prepared for some physical exertion and exercise should be able to complete the ascent to Uhuru Peak, which involves approximately 70 kilometers of walking in total, and no technical climbing.
 3. Torres Del Paine in Patagonia, Chile

Near the fjord area of Tierra del Fuego and the Beagle Channel one may visit the famous Torres Del Paine National Park on the southern edge of the Patagonia Ice Cap. The area is easy to get to from Punta Arenas with transportation of buses, taxis and minibuses. It is possibly the most famous national park in South America with 60,000 visitors last season. It is some 100 km north of Puerto Nat ales. A 2422 sq. km park was given the World Heritage status in 1978 by UNESCO.
It gets its name from three wonderful and very prominent polished columns of pink granite, the Towers of Paine (Torres Del Paine).
 Here you may go backpacking and trekking or you can join programs to do the mountain climbing as well. Nandu and Guanaco (Ostrich and Alpaca like animals) are frequently seen in the park refuge. There is a broad diversity of fauna y flora. Backpackers should have experience with overnight trips in rough country; those who desire to make ascents should have mountaineering ice and snow climbing experience. This paragraph is sponsored by Hajj travel services from UK.

4. Amboseli Safari

Amboseli National Park is one of Kenya’s most popular parks because of the stunning view it displays of nearby Mount Kilimanjaro, the world’s tallest freestanding mountain. When you go on your Amboseli Safari, be sure to get the famous photograph of elephants with the unforgettable views of Kilimanjaro in the background!
Streams from Kilimanjaro surface in the centre of Amboseli, creating swamps that attract and support a rich diversity of wild animals and birdlife.
As Amboseli is easily accessible, it forms a popular part of many of our safari itineraries.
Amboseli is one of the smaller game parks in Kenya and the vegetation ensures that the animals are easy to spot. Lions can easily be found and can occasionally be watched stalking their prey.
Buffalo, zebra, giraffe, gazelle and other plains game are plentiful in the park and hippos live in the open waters and swamp channels. The elephants found here are surprisingly relaxed around safari vehicles; they were largely unaffected by ivory poaching and have some of the largest tusks. This paragraph is sponsored by airline Hajj travel from UK.
Nothing beats the experience of adventure travel, so pack up your rucksack and gives it a go!