
Monday 22 October 2012

The Importance of Hajj and Umrah in the light of Quran and Hadith

Hajj is the basic pillar of Islam. Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman. The Hajj free from all sins of mankind are caused by the mother have to birth child. There are many problems during Hajj which have to loss.
 The Holy Prophet (SAW) said with your daughter Hazrat Ayesha (RA) that Ayesha you will reward you according to your triangle.”

“Hazrat Abdullah bin Abass (RA) was narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said the performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj, or is also said (SAW) that Hajj is equal who is performing with me.”

The Mushrikeen Mecca were shirk, But he did perform Hajj. Christians and Jews believe in God. They belief the day of Judgment. Hazrat Ali (RA) was narrated that The Holy Prophet (SAW) said The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, He said that a clear need, a tyrannical ruler, or a disease which confines him at home performing the Hajj and Umrah is not prevented from, and without performing Hajj and Umrah dies; he dies as a want Jews, or "as if he wants a Christian. (Tirmidhi)

Allah say in Quran about these person who is not perform Hajj and Umrah. “In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.” (Surat 'Āli `Imrān)

Hazraat Abdullah Abn-e- Masood (RA) was narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said that you perform Hajj and Umrah again and again because poverty or poorness does not come close from the Muslim who perform Hajj and Umrah also purifies from the sins.  The Hajj and Umrah purifies the Muslim as a gold smith purifies the gold from iron and sliver. And The Hajj-e-Mabro reward is only Jannat. (Tirmidhi)

Allah says in your Noble book that (then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House). (Surat Al-Hajj 29)

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) say that which a person circumambulate the House of Allah and do perform two rakaat of prayer. Would he take reward is equal to salve free. (Ibn-e- Majah 29 -56)
Indeed! Safa and Marwah as (two mountains in Makkah) are among the Signs of Allah. Is it a sin if he or Umrah Hajj (Pilgrimage) House (in Mecca Kabah) between them by going (Tawaf) (Safa and Marwah) is not performing to perform? And who volunteered well, and then of course all the Recognizer, All-Knower is. (Quran: 2/158)
Properly (ie Prophet Mohammad (saw) all the way around), Hajj and Umrah for Allah (ie Pilgrimage to Mecca) perform. (Quran: 2/196)


Yousaf said...

Every Muslim who love Islam must love to perform Hajj and Umrah for that some airlines are offering cheap umrah packages which allows Muslims to do Umrah and Hajj every year.